Jonathan Tran

B.S in Computer Science


About Me

I graduated with a BS in Computer Science from The City College Of New York with a passion for coding. I bet you hear that a lot. My favorite language is Java; however, I have used lnaguages such as Python (web development, machine learning), Javascript (web development). Currently I am working on a web application using Java and Spring for backend and Bootstrap and HTML for frontend. This web application is called AttaChat and it allows users to create threads and discuss topics they are interested in. I hope to teach myself game development since video games were one of the big reasons why I majored in Computer Science. Computer science is a great creative outlet for me and I am so happy I majored in it.

Technical Skills

Programming language: Java.

Farmilar with: Javascript, Python, SQL, and HTML.


Document Sharing System

Artificial Life Project




CUNY City College Of New York

Computer Science -

GPA: 3.42
